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Falco Level Kid MX Enduro Cross støvler til barn 32-38 1005004487319992

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5-14 dagers leveringstid

Solid og tøff Crossboots for barn fra Italienske Gianni Falco.


  • "Micro-Synth" overdel er både antibakteriell og tørker hurtig
  • "Air-Tech" ventilert innerfôr.
  • P.U. støpte legg-, legg- og ankelplater i hardplast. 
  • Mikrojusterbar og utskiftbar P.U. spenner i hardplast.
  • Kraftig varmeskjold i skinn.
  • Støpt gummisåle med forsterket buestøtte.
  • Mye støvel for pengene




About Falco®Fine quality Italian Products.

Since over 20 years “Gianni Falco Srl - Motorcycle Boots Company” provides experienced craftmanship and technical skills in designing and manufacturing motorsport technical footwear.

Starting from the company headquarter based in Altivole (near Venice in Italy), in the cradle of a major sportswear industrial district, Gianni Falco srl has soon reached a respected position among market leaders growing to a global brand presence.

Our mission is the focus for total quality and our main goal is the creation of a strong identity’s product for the satisfaction of our worldwide clients.

Falco motorcycle boots: driven from passion, to live on 2 wheels at maximum.

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